“I couldn’t believe this actually worked!”
Karisa Prestera – ThetaHealing Client
“I couldn’t believe this actually worked!!
But here I am 5 years later…”
Five years later, and my anxiety over being late has not crept up again. I had been struggling so hard, experiencing constrictions in my heart, irrational rages, screaming at my three year old, all for some strange need to be on time.
I would be so angry at my partner if he chose to pull out of the driveway, and go what I deemed as “the long way”, even if we didn’t have to be anywhere at a particular time.
It all seemed so crazy and the anxiety kept getting bigger.
All it took was just one session with Ren and, BAM! I was back to being a reasonable, happy human being again, and the partner and mother I truly wanted to be.
I can not recommend Ren’s work enough!
– Karisa Prestera, former crazy mom
More Testimonials
Jace Downey – ThetaHealing Testimonial
“Wow!” The results have been profound. I went to bed that night a different person than I woke up. That may sound a bit extreme, but I can’t think of any other way to put it. I felt the positive effects of the ThetaHealing right away, and now days later am experiencing them in a full and grounded way. I feel lighter, less anxious and more confident.